fan club

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Better Late Than Never

Here is the tag Jessica passed on to me in September- Woo!
The Rules:

1. Post the rules of the tag on your blog
2. Write 6 random facts about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post

4. If you get tagged, do it! And have fun. :)

Random Fact No. 1: I made both mine and my sister's wedding dress I love to sew. Not particularly wedding dresses, it's a pain fitting them and I will only do it for very special people. But I do love to sew, fancy myself fairly creative, and hope one day it will make me some dolla.

Random Fact No. 2: My mother-in-law set Dan and Me up It's true! Carmen was my manager at work, (she actually sought me out to work there) and she would always talk about her missionary and how he would write home that he's balding. So when he came home she asked if I would play with him. (I was like "Ew-No! Balding?") But it turned out he wasn't that bald, he was pretty cute and the rest is history.

Random Fact No. 3: I hate being pregnant but I love childbirth
I'm not some tree-hugging-hippy-embrace-nature-becoming-one-with-your-body type of gal. My deliveries aren't easier or harder than the next person's either. But there is nothing to top the experience. I love every aspect of it (pain, anxiety, excitement, joy) because it makes it what it is. And my favorite part is that the universe stops a brief moment for you and this tiny person you adore more than anything. whew! I'm getting jazzed just thinking about it!
(P.S. I blow up like the good year blimp when I'm pregnant!)

Random Fact No. 4: I have a dang big family And I love every stinking one of them. We love to play games and be loud and weird and sometimes make fun of other people (mostly just to boost our own self-esteem) but we have a great time when we're all together. My brother Matty (dead center) is serving in the
Cherry Hill, New Jersey mission right now. He comes home in January.

Random Fact No. 5: I desperately want a daughter I have 5 younger brothers and can recall wishing for a little sister on my birthday candles multiple times. I am very into playing dress-up, and makeup, and tea parties, and doing hair, and I really, really want a daughter. Or a niece or something. (I have a growing box of girl things I've bought with each pregnancy.)

Random Fact No. 6: I hate 'shrooms! A mushroom walks into a bar and asks a girl to dance. "I'm sorry," she says, "I don't dance with vegetables." The mushroom objects, "But I'm a fun guy!" (fungi) Mushrooms are gross.

Well that's it for me. Instead of tagging six individuals, I will just ask that at least six of you do this on your blog. Yeah - you know who you are, and don't think I won't check!


  1. F-I-N-A-L-L-Y! See that wasn't so bad. "Highly entertaining, I give it two thumbs up."

  2. Loved it--I assume I am tagged...but mine will in no way be as fun as yours was to read!!

  3. These are some facts. It is nice to get to know you a little bit better.

  4. No quesiton, I desperately want a grand-daughter. I've been living with way too much testosterone for a long time!

    I agree with you on the labor/delivery thing. After all you suffer to get to that point, bringing that new life into the world, your family, your arms...nothing tops it!!!
