fan club

Monday, October 27, 2008

Who are you?

I'm a Alice! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

After I read the description, I think it's pretty dead-on.
I'm sorry if I ever zoned out on any of you during a conversation!


  1. Of course you are an Alice! Such a party girl, and into fashion too. I took the quiz and I'm an Esme as I knew I would be. Call me a maternal homebody.

  2. I've yet to read these books. Maybe when all of my projects are finished, trips are done, christmas and birthday shopping is done, I've seen the movie, Holidays are over with then I will be able to relax and read the books. :)

    --You're kids are so dang cute! Can we live by each other and have our kids play together and you can teach me how to dress so well?? :)

  3. By the way, apparently I'm Rosalie. I don't know much about what that means except for what I read but it's pretty much true. Except for the "I'm beautiful and unfortuantly I'm aware of it." She sounds kinda like a snob. Which I'm not, but maybe if someone got in my head they may think I was. I'm thinking that I shouldn't want to be this person. lol

  4. Please yes! Move by us, our kids will play and I will teach you how to dress well as soon as I learn how!

  5. I'm Alice too...about a year ago I bet I would have been Bella. Have you read all four books? I was thinking of going to the signing on Monday to meet Jacob and of the girls is there too I think it is Alice. (the actors I mean)
