fan club

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Jessica and I used to do this when we were teenagers. You can do it any time of year but I think it's especially appropriate during October. You get a giant refrigerator box and cut a long rectangular hole in the front just wide enough so you and another person can see. Keep the top taped but open the bottom so you can walk. You bake a plate or two of cookies and wait until dark. Pull the box over you and a friend, leave the plate of cookies on someones porch, ring the doorbell, then go stand on their lawn. When they open the door you shout in a booming and ominous voice, "YOU'VE BEEN PHANTOMED!" Then you slowly back away. It's hilarious because they are so confused by the giant talking cardboard box on their lawn. One time as J and I were backing away we tripped over a pothole in the grass. Picture an enormous box on it's side with four legs wriggling out the bottom like a turtle on it's back.
You can even make it into one of those chain things where they hang a picture on their door and they have to 'phantom' two other people.


  1. It makes me laugh just to think about it! And I think you are being nice to say we did that when we were teenagers. I think you were but I was into my twenties at that point. But I was a teenager at heart. Everybody has got to try this at least once, even if they have left the teen years behind. Just beware of potholes if your body has long been out of the teen years. Ouch.

  2. Hah!! I am still laughing! We need to do some talking, by the way...I have had some awesome ideas, but I need your stylie sense.

  3. That is awesome and I totally can picture a giant cardboard box lying on it's side with four legs wiggling out the end of it.
