fan club

Friday, October 24, 2008

update quickie

Just when we thought he couldn't get cuter, Caden got his first tooth. The second one is on it's way. He had his 9 month checkup on Monday. He is in the 97th percentile for height. I guess we are just breeding our own tribe of Amazons! Oh wait- super models.
We carved pumpkins on Wednesday. Parker was so grossed out by the guts but he loved stabbing the pumpkins randomly

oooh! SPOOKY

Parker is a potty-training machine! He gets to put a sticker on the chart every time he goes. And I'm happy to announce we haven't had a dookie on the floor in a very long time!


  1. Way to go Parker!! That is seriously a huge accomplishment! Can't wait for tommorrow--yeah!

  2. Nice pumpkins, or jack-o-lanterns as the case may be. And no dookie on the floor? This excites me.
