fan club

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

yeah, they're beautiful. and yes, they're mine.

now some of you may have heard this one. a few weeks ago, i took the boys to the grocery store. the clerk took a look at Parker and could not say enough about how beautiful he is. oh my goodness, you are so handsome! look at your beautiful dark eyes. look at those eyelashes! etc. etc. then she turned on Caden. you have the eyes too! you are both so handome! what beautiful eyes!! gush gush gush.

then she looked at me. she turned back to Parker and said...

you must look like your dad.

thank you?


  1. ha ha ha, They do look like their dad, but for what it's worth, I've ALWAYS thought you were beautiful. I love their tie and sweater. You do have a couple of model babies! Maybe that's why you don't have a girl yet...Daniel would have to beat the boys off with a stick constantly!

    ...if it makes you feel better...In college I would always go to bed way too late and wake up way too late. I looked like total crap in the morning. Once when my roomy's mom was visiting she said, "Morgan can either look really pretty or REALLY ugly."....uhhh Thanks?
    ...and just back in June I went to girls camp with the yw. We were taking lots of pictures and as we were going through them, on of the 13 yr olds says, "These pictures are cute, but sister Killian, you should try to look prettier next time we take pictures". Uhhh...ok?

  2. I like when i was at brunch the other day with some of my new coworkers for a 30th bday. One was like, "I'm 26, I'm the baby!" Me, "Oh, I'm 26, too!". Furrowed brows, "Really?? I thought you were older!!" um, thanks! apparently it's my height. whatever that means.

    anyway, Carolyn, we all know you're a stunner. The may have Dan's blonde hair, but where did those big dark almond shaped eyes come from, hmm? =)
