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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

boys make me blue

I've been asked by many if I'm disappointed that I'm having another boy and the answer is, sorta. I'm not worried one little bit about the sweet little thing in my gut that is already giving me lower back pain. the thing I'm bummed about is no decorating a girls room or buying dolls or sewing dresses. and gosh darn it, i'm SICK of baby blue. so while I don't need to buy anything {and man! i really don't!} here are some things I would like to get....
coZibug swaddler

and as soon as we de-crib the bug, i can start on little J's room. I'm excited to show what I come up with.
so you know what would make me smile? if you want to throw me a hypothetical baby shower, post a link of some really cool baby boy product, that is completely unnecessary, in my comments. then I can shop new and wonderful things as if this boy were my first!


  1. Carolyn... you make such beautiful boys whos eyelashes trump most girls. can I just say that it's refreshing that you will admit to a little dissapointment.I mean the stinkin' girls section in every store is 14 times bigger than the girls... rub in in already baby gap. ps... i like your blog so I need an invite please :)

  2. oh and here is some super cute boys fashions that I stumbled on. It's so nice to see something besides tshirts and polos

  3. if I was having one, I LOVE these:
