fan club

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

and the baby is....

a boy. I would put a picture on, but the ultrasound tech didn't think it important to give me one of his face. {I have two of his boy parts though}

so get ready world, it's raining men. and I hope you like 'em tall, dark and handsome.

p.s. I may be making my blog private in the next little while. I can't get the koreans off my back. at least I think they're korean.


  1. oh congrats! You guys make cute kids! Here is to a healthy rest of the pregnancy!

  2. Congrats on another boy! Be sure to invite us if you go private.
    Shelley and Todd

  3. Oh my! Congrats! Can I just say that I love that you said, "it's raining men."? Your boys certainly are handsome, so it's exciting to be adding another! I hope you're feeling better by now!

  4. I am so disappointed I thought for sure Julie's voodoo thing was real... :) CONGRATS! He will be adorable.

  5. I love you and your witty ways Carolyn! You do make some pretty cute little dudes...can't wait to see the next one! Hope you're feeling better. Congratulations!

  6. Yeah, so much for the voodoo thing Robyn. Very disappointing indeed. But I am excited for another cute little nephew! More playmates for Korbin and (just incase Julie's voodoo trick works every now and then) our future unconceived son.
