fan club

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Do you remember me?

I've been cleaning. Cleaning out the filing cabinet, cleaning out the computer, cleaning out the pantry, my purse, my closet. . . cleaning.

And I've been busy keeping busy. And I've had many decorating schemes. And I have been attempting to eat healthy(er) and exercise.
I have many more reasons why I haven't been posting. And I've had much to post about. Some things I have pictures for, and some I don't. But rather than take 3 hours of your life away with details you really don't care about, I'll sum up.
Here is what I've been up to for the past 3 months:

Ha ha ha! No not really.
But here is what I really have been up to starting with November:

And if nobody minds, I'll post more pictures of my baby's birthday later.
{but he's not really a baby anymore}

1 comment:

  1. yayyy!!! a new blog! now i can't get on your case about it :) i really think the dan beard is a good look for you.
