fan club

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I got the playlist on, thanks for the tip. But how come my blog is so squishy? I'm feeling claustrophobic! Perhaps it was a mistake choosing the cassette tape. Candis, I would like you to help me tweak my blog. I don't think I'll add to it further until it's roomier. And don't worry, I won't be posting daily always. For some reason I feel the need to comment every time I come to work on this.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wait, strike that. I just found them. Silly me.

  3. Okay, here is what I think we should do...let's expand your columns and make your background you want to do the 3 column thing or just make your 2 wider? Also, you should know that your monitor makes it seem more squishy than it really is because of the resolution...on my screen it looks all roomy. Let's talk.
