fan club

Monday, September 22, 2008

sorry folks

Ok, the tantrum is over. It's just that I had been working on this stinking thing nearly all day and then I accidentally undid all I'd done. Oop. (That's how Parker says it, it's not a typo.) But I think I'm getting the hang of it. I would like to know, however, what is the best playlister thingy to use so I can force my music on all of you? Ha! I say 'all of you' like I actually have people reading this!


  1. What the Howland? You finally have a blog?!?!? Now let us rejoice. Um about the playlister there are a few of which I know. I use but it kinds of gets squished on the side bar. The other one I know of is There you can get one that looks like an Ipod (much cooler than mine). I would change over but I spent a long time making the one I have now and I am too lazy to switch over. Maybe one day.

    Ok, Korbin's bathwater is getting cold so I should go put him in it. I just wanted to be the first one to comment on your shnazzy new blog.

  2. Oh, I almost forgot...
    We went and looked at that house today out in Duchesne. It is nice and big with a two car garage and a possible fourth bedroom. It comes with a washer and dryer and it has this funky crawl space that is huge and has lights and electricity. The downer is that it is kind of old and has this brown shag carpet. Dreamy. But the bathrooms and kitchen have been updated and she's putting in new vinyl windows and flooring in the bathrooms and kitchen. Oh and there's a deck. She's going to let everyone know by Friday who she chooses so here's hoping. What am I saying of course she'll pick us. That house is meant for us. (Positive vibrations into the universe...)

  3. I am absolutely thrilled that you have a blog now!! Words do not express. Seriously. Anyway, your blog looks so cute! (Of course.) And I am seriously impressed that you have done all that! It took me (a somewhat code-knowledgable person) all day! There are a few fun tweaks that you can do (making it a three column and putting your picture albums from picasa on it, etc.) Let me know if you are interested :) As for the playa', I would suggest Their players are much easier to make look cute. I cannot stand the way stuff looks. It certainly would not sufice for your beautiful blog! Anyway, I can't wait to see what you blog! So fun!!

  4. Oop rhymes with Poop! Need I say more?

  5. I wondered why you weren't onboard with the bloggin' world. I guess you just didn't know what you were missing out on. I told both you and Jessica that I don't feel the need for a blog, but maybe I should have one just so I can direct traffic to yours and hers, since they are both fabulous! I don't think I would get too many visitors though since these family blogs are mostly for the young and cool.
