fan club

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Book Club: Out of Print

These books come to you today from my own collection. They are old, they are fabulous, and they are out of print. But if you can find them, they are worth the search.

Stand Back said the Elephant, I'm Going to Sneeze! by Patricia Thomas. c.1973
this one is a little easier to find because of it's reprint in 1990. it soberly teaches kids to cope with the aftermath of a natural disaster...
I kid! but it does describe the zany happenings to the poor animals who fall victim to Elephant's super-sized sneezes. warm up your inner thespian, you will have to read this in voices.

(the zebra after his stripes are blown off.)

Dean's Mother Goose Book of Rhymes by Janet & Anne Grahame Johnstone. c.1977
I wanted this book so desperately when I was pregnant with Parker that both Grandmas hunted it down for me on e-bay. I now own two copies. No. you can't have one.
If you do ever find this for purchase, BUY IT. Just now I've been looking at it online and in 6 years the price has jumped from $20 to $150!

It's just your basic treasury of nursery rhymes, but the thing that makes it so special is the illustrations. They are just beautiful. B.E.A.utiful. I spent hours as a kid pouring over the pages. Anything illustrated by Janet and Anne is worth adding to your collection.

I Know a Giraffe: A Tall Tale by David Omar White. c.1965
This gem was picked up for us by my bro Andrew and his wife Julie who spend their time sifting through used book stores. This quirky book leads kids on a guessing game about what that whacky giraffe is turning into next. And once again - love the illustrations.

You can indulge in more vintage books here on Modern Kiddo.

1 comment:

  1. Did you start a private blog and not tell me?! Whats new with you guys? We need an update!!!
