fan club

Saturday, May 7, 2011

the zoo gets visited

the boys had fun testing out the elephant scale.
please guys! i weigh more than both of you combined!

forgive me for being crude, but check out the rock behind the rhinos and tell me that doesn't look like what i think it looks like! coincidence? i don't think so.

one of many unsuccessful attempts to get a group photo.

it worked better when we broke them into smaller increments.

i took a few pictures of animals but apparently got bored because most of these are of kids.
they are more of a challenge to shoot anyway. with a camera.

parker and korbin at their favorite exhibit... the train.

my favorite exhibit.

i think he was hoping we were lunch. he lingered a little too long.

doesn't my mom look too young to have 5 grand kids?

tall, dark and handsome. why do the good ones always drool?

we made a perfect plane. unplanned.
my dad was the ONLY way i was getting out of there with a picture of caden.

aren't my kids so photogenic?

my baby bro. we have the same hairdo.
also unplanned.

they were so sweet to hold hands but i felt a pang of guilt that this took precedence after we accidentally left parker behind.

chloe LOVED the elephants. they had a new calf. no - i didn't get a picture.

parker was more than willing to let me hover around him like a desperate paparazzo.
{that's singular for paparazzi - kimiko taught me that.}

see what i mean? but i don't mind my dad being in the pics. he's caden's fave "grandma."

korbin sustained a wicked shiner when he tripped and smashed into a giant boulder meant to enhance the 'natural habitat' feeling.

1 comment:

  1. The plane one is so cute. You look awesome. I love your little sweeties. It looked so fun!
