fan club

Friday, April 29, 2011


Dan texted me : if we hit $X today we can have tomorrow off.

I texted back: you can do it! don't let anyone give up!

what he wanted to text back was: i know - i won't. Love you!

what he actually texted was: i know i won't love you

i texted back: you really ought to use punctuation.


  1. the first time scott told me he loved me was in a text when i was getting on a plane to go to michigan for a few weeks. i told him that wasn't proper etiquette.
    ps...i sure hope dan loves you cuz he's stuck with you!

  2. thats so great. Im glad you are confident enough in his feeling for you to see that it was not what he actually meant :)
    My mom is the best at texting goofs. In response to a picture of a dress I was making for Sophie, she meant to say,

    "cute, do you think you'll sew on a button?"
    what it actually said was,

    "cute do you think you sex on a button"

  3. Thank you for sharing...i giggled a lot. This is funny for 2 reasons, first for the obvious and second because my phone auto corrects and I am always mis texting because of it. And stacy yours made me giggle too thanks ladies :)

  4. hahahaha Dan is the WORST texter. I texted him the other day to remind him to get the 25th off for pictures, or get off work early. And he texted me back, "why?"
    Oh Dan.
