fan club

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

i heart family

we piled into the car and headed to idaho for some quality time with the Geddes crew.

although Jordan walking was a proud moment, the highlight of the trip was heading to the local hogi yogi where erin rented the loft - complete with a giant projection screen, an xbox and ...
rock band!

i had my karaoke debut with Billy Idol's
white wedding {although it was more like white funeral because everyone within earshot was thinking "kill me now!"}

then on Monday we headed up the canyon to sit round the fire, roast mallows, and tell bad jokes with the Nevins.

and although i have a boat load of bad jokes stashed in my back pocket, the one that had me chuckling on the way home was told by my bro Matt. i think what made it most funny was the delivery, so picture him saying it.
what's that? you don't know Matthew?
ok, picture some overly tall, ham-ball relative of yours.
how do you catch a unique rabbit?
u -nique up on it!
how do you catch a tame rabbit?
tame thing, u -nique up on it!
how do you catch a common rabbit?
com-mon! tame thing, u-nique up on it!


  1. you will enjoy my joke then...
    what do you get when you mix a brown chicken with a brown cow?

    brown chicka brown cow (said as porno music...)

  2. ps...this is tina (i'm logged in as my sister nicky)

  3. Matt's joke was a good one. Although, my favorite was your delivery of "That's so expensive!" I can still imagine the voice in my head...creepy.

  4. Ba ha ha, That's so funny. I love lame jokes. My friends and I would sit around for hours reading laughy taffy jokes to each other with the big Cosco Laughy Taffy bucket-o candy in the middle of us. The jokes kept getting funnier and funnier the more candy we ate.

  5. ohh Care, you made an amazing billy idol. don't worry. I loved that song MOST! ...except the ones Dan sang haha oh man

  6. Congrats to Jordy. I can't get over how darling your boys are. I love parkers long hair, It's so old school in a very good way.
