fan club

Friday, December 10, 2010

maternity pics

let me tell you about my friend kari. she is the kind of person you want to hate, but she is so gosh darn likable that you just can't seem to do it. she is a yoga instructor, has all her babies naturally, is sweet and sincere, has the most gorgeous blond hair you've ever coveted and....
takes beautiful pictures.

sorry if this is too many for you to care about. it was really difficult to narrow it down to these. but now if you're curious, you can catch a glimpse of my growing oven. {p.s. it has grown considerably since this photo shoot. no fat jokes please!}

if you want her to take your pics, you better hurry! she could be moving out of state in the near future.


  1. Those pictures are SO awesome! I love the umbrella ones especially. I also love the boys haircuts--seriously, they should be models.

  2. oh Carolyn, these are so beautiful! my favorite is the one with the entire family, but I love them all. your boys are growing up so quick!

  3. These pictures look FAN-FREAK'N-TASTIC! I Love them!! Maybe I'll get lucky and she'll move to Texas. You always look so beautiful in your pictures...and pregnant too. I don't know how you do it. I'd love your secret. ;)

  4. Cute green umbrella! That is so Carolyn. You look beautiful. I'm glad she got some nice ones of the boys, too.
    You are such a lovely pregnant girl. I don't think you look fat, ever!

  5. You look so, so beautiful! I am starting to think that you saying you're not photogenic is just so you might convince everyone you aren't completley perfect. I'm not convinced. What a lucky man Danny boy is. Your family is so sweet. Can't wait to see your little one.

  6. Wow! What wonderful pictures! Your family is so freaking cute :)
