fan club

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

ok. one more weird post from me.

so this picture is a little creepy. ok, it's a lot creepy. but now look at it and sing domo arigato mr. roboto. domo. domo. in your head.

you're laughing right?


  1. HAHAHAAAA!!!!!! this made my day!!!!!

  2. yes, I am laughing. out loud. at work.

  3. Ta-he...yes, I giggled. Haven't been by in a while so HELLO! And just so you know, I'm 5'9" and would totally buy those sassy little heels. Infact I don't think I have heels under 3 inches and I just bought some killer platform boots with a 4.5 inch heel. More power to ya lady!
