fan club

Thursday, May 20, 2010

nobody likes their peanut butter spread too thin.

and I am that peanut butter. I've just been trying to do too much lately and, as always, my body has slammed on the brakes. Yes- I'm sick.
So something's gotta give. and sadly? it's this:

Oh I was so thrilled to be picked. It would have been my first show/market/boutique/whatever you want to call it. But I come back from the Bahamas the night before. And all this extra curricular sewing has left no time to make product. I guess I could just sell candy...
So needless to say, big frowny face. but what's this?

Ok. their banner is nowhere near as cute. but they contacted me to be one of their vendors and I have a notion to say "Yes! Very much Yes!" It would be the second Saturday of every month until October. I am equally excited.
You see? Sometimes when fate closes a door... it opens a mountain aire market.


  1. Oh Carolyn! I'm so sorry! It makes me so sad to think about, but you are right, the market sounds wonderful, too :)

    I guess our (totally awesome, can't wait, best vacation ever) cruise is really putting a hamper on things. haha.

  2. Its sad to give good things up but I think the relief of letting it go is totally worth it! I hope you feel better soon!!!
